Download Our App (Serenity Bookings)
Download our app to register and check-in for classes, workshops, camps, and open studio hours. You can also purchase clay, tools, and glazes on the app!
Serenity Bookings How-to Guide for Booking Multiple Classes or Camps
Create a login and sign-in to the app
Choose “Book Classes” on the main screen
Choose your date range (Note: You can make multiple selections within the date range in one transaction)
Choose “Group by Class” or “Group by Schedule”If you need to make reservations in multiple date ranges, please complete the first booking and then choose the new date range
Please email us at admin@ if you would like assistance with booking
Select the number of participants you’d like to enroll
Enter in the name(s) of each participant
Save and repeat this process for each class or camp registration
You can process any number of registrations for the same week at once, but each week requires separate transactions
When viewing the week as a whole, your completed selections will show as green checks
When you proceed to the next page, you will have the opportunity to review all of your selected bookings
Choose “Confirm Booking” at the bottom to proceed to payment
On the checkout page, the itemized and total cost is inclusive of tax
If this is your first booking, please review and accept the Terms & Conditions and Liability Waiver
If this is not your first booking, you’ll see the blue boxes that you’ve already agreed to the Terms & Conditions and Liability Waiver
Click “Confirm” at the bottom to process your transaction
If you need to make bookings over several weeks please feel free to email us at if you’d like assistance.